Fusion AML



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Anti-Money Laundering Solutions Trusted by Leading Financial Institutions, which are tailored to your needs at an affordable price

With increasing regulatory requirements, increased money laundering schemes and scattered data silos, the compliance efforts are increased dramatically. Fusion AML provides one consolidated 360 view of your customers’ information, transactions and data insight. Our Anti-Money Laundering solution reduces the effort to investigate a certain anomaly in customer transactions with advanced analytics and graphs, thus reducing the overall cost of complying with regulations.

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The Shield Screening

Award-Winning Name Matching Engine

Minimized results for quicker and precise decisions.

Capture variations that are undetected by conventional systems.

Enable Arabic screening against Latin names.

Detect and enable matching of initials against full names.

Automate the screening process with ready-made rest APIs.

Full message screening, BIC codes, names and addresses.

Dynamic user defined rules based on amount, sender/receiver country, nationality, risk, etc…

Full protection for all your customers with ongoing changes in customer or watch-list info.

The Informant

Transaction Monitoring

User enabled scenario creation.

Statistics and insight on data using dynamic dashboards and reports.

Trend line, peer comparison charts to help visualize historical customer activity.

System alerts when client’s activity goes beyond declared income.

Tightly integrated with KYC for full data display, notification, and updates.

Full view of customer activity with historical tracing.

Global view of all alerts and utilize insights to reduce workload.

Real-time detection and notification in specified scenarios.

The Light

Machine Learning, Shining On The Dark Areas.

Utilize machine learning to enhance data Analysis and enable better monitoring.

Analyze client data with multi-dimensional modelling.

Cluster your clients based on profile and transactional data for a different risk classification methodology.

Compare clients to peers to detect anomalies in activity based on sector, profession, and other criteria.

Link SWIFT transfers, checks, internal transfers, and relations to detect money laundering groups.

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The Classifier

Risk Management & Assessment

Design and build a weighted matrix for each type of customer.

Build a weighted matrix specifically for the client’s country risk exposure.

Build a weighted matrix specifically for the client’s profession risk exposure.

Build rules based on customer profile or account data.

Define high-risk transactional scenarios and how they impact client risk.

Allow risk to affect related accounts and customers. I.e.: shareholders, proxies, BRO, etc…

The Warden

Data Management Suite

DMS has been designed to aid Financial Institutions manage Master Data in a single repository including KYC, Party data management,
Collaterals, Accounts, and Legal actions.

Actions and data are logically grouped and organized aiming to be as simple as possible to the end-user.

The application module ships with a plethora of pre-defined fields (over 500 fields) so as to allow for immediate (out-of-the-box) compliance with the strict AML, FATCA, CRS, AnaCredit, and GDPR regulations.

Can be integrated with third-party applications to Import existing Customer data or to Export Customer Data thus eliminating the need for duplicated data entry.

DMS comes with a number of pre-configured alerts. It is also possible through the application interface to define additional alerts as required.

Work-flows may be configured to provide complete support for Customer onboarding. Additionally, Maker/Checker functionality is supported throughout the application.

Enforcement of user-defined “mandatory” fields as well as other completion and assessment rules leading to Customer Risk Assessment and Profiling.

Full due diligence during the client relationship cycle and includes reporting to IRS and central banks.

Security & Notification Framework

Powerful Security Levels & Notifications Functions.

Detailed access rights can be restricted to specific users.

Extensive list of actions can be restricted to specific users and groups.

Log every user and application action for audit and review purposes.

Option to apply the four eyes principle on all user actions.

Generate reports by user, by role, by profile, etc.…

Automated simple backup procedure.

Protect data from intentional tampering.

Prevent viewing of data for super users and administrators.

Link system to active directory and users to secured groups.

Send an e-mail for each action taken.

Notify owners on time-lines.

12 Reasons Why You Must Have Our AML and Compliance Solutions Now!